BME Devils

BME 200: Conservation Principles in Biomedical Engineering

Course description

Applies bioengineering analysis and problem solving of mass, energy, and charge balances to medical and biological systems.


Biomedical Engineering major; BIO 181 (or BIO 188) or BME 111 with C or better; CHM 114 or 116 with C or better; PHY 121 with C or better; Pre- or corequisite(s): MAT 275

Critical course


Professors (Spring 2017)

Brent Vernon, Michael VanAuker

Advice from past students:

"This is a difficult course, but if you attend class regularly and attempt the homework rather than just copy the answers, you will do fine." -Adam K., Junior

"The textbook is not necessary if you have Professor VanAuker. He will provide the relevant resorces on Blackboard." -Jessica C., Sophomore